
Pigmentation is the darkening of the skin where there has been an overproduction of melanin. It is normally not serious but cosmetically speaking it can be unpleasant. Pigmentation can occur in any part of the body but tends to be most common in areas that are more openly exposed such as the face, neck, chest, arms and hands. It can affect both men and women and though any ethnicity can be susceptible it tends to be more prevalent in those with Asian, Mediterranean, African or Latin backgrounds.

The three main types of pigmentation are: Lentigo / Lentigines which are simply freckles, Lentigo / Lentigines, the medical term for freckles caused by the sun are often referred to as age or liver spots, and Melasma, which is commonly known as ‘the pregnancy mask’. It is caused by hormonal changes and appears as splotchy, pigmented areas, most usually on the face.


Pigmentation can be caused sun exposure, hormonal changes, pregnancy, contraceptive pill. Some medication can also cause pigmentation such as anti-seizure drugs, hormone treatments and certain antibiotics. Sometimes an injury to the skin can also cause discolouration. Pigmentation can often be a difficult condition to treat but there is more help available now than ever before.


Dr. Doris has specially formulated a series of regenerative treatment plan as well as a regenerative cytokine triple oligopeptide face mask that that can work effectively to target the cause of pigmentation to achieve aesthetic results.